K-12 Resources

Securing Student Data

School districts have struggled for years to secure student data. K-12 districts manage copious amounts of student data that they are required to store for many years – without putting that data at risk. At the same time, the edtech vendors and management systems with whom they work have relied on antiquated rostering to provide […]

What It Takes to Achieve Strong Student Data Privacy

When it comes to achieving strong student data privacy, the more layers of security you have, the stronger your defenses. In addition to members of the industry working together with openness and honesty about data privacy, risks, breaches, and threats, other members of the community and a security-first approach can also play significant roles in […]

Navigating K-12 Data Privacy Challenges: A Guide for School IT Leaders

K-12 schools are increasingly responsible for addressing data privacy challenges and safeguarding sensitive student data. As school IT leaders, the responsibility for providing robust data privacy measures often falls squarely on your shoulders. As a public benefit corporation, GG4L is committed to data privacy. The actionable insights and practical advice in this guide are designed […]

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Data Privacy

School IT leaders have been charged with implementing cybersecurity best practices for data privacy. The rapid growth of edtech, remote learning, and now AI has forced school IT leaders to prioritize improving cybersecurity defenses. Schools are a prime target for cybercriminals, and school IT leaders play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive student and staff […]

Data Privacy Infrastructure: Building a Robust Framework for K-12 Schools

K-12 schools handle a vast amount of sensitive student information, making it imperative for school IT leaders to implement robust data privacy infrastructure. But what are we talking about when we talk about data privacy infrastructure? Data privacy infrastructure are the tools and systems that help school IT leaders know where student data is, how […]

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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